1)periodontal treatment and extraction of unrestorable teeth should be performed before transplantation
2) Oral hygiene techniques, including tooth brushing, flossing, diet modification, use of antimicrobial mouth rinses and topical fluorides are initiated, reviewed, and used by all patients
3)patients with poor dental status who have demonstrated little interest or ability to improve their oral hygiene must be advised to have their teeth extracted and dentures made 
4) Retained roots and fully impacted teeth without clinical or radiological symptoms are left in place. Implants with a probing depth greater than 7 mm must be explanted 
5) A significant correlation between dental foci and the incidence of acute GvHD was found although this was also recorded in patients who underwent dental treatment
(As per A. B. Melkos et al published in journal of clinical  oral invest.Clin Oral Invest (2003) )